Wednesday, October 12, 2011

We know.

Parents are walking encyclopedias. From algebra help to dinner-time etiquette, they are the almighty archivists of universal knowledge. Sure, you may know how to cook the perfect pancakes, but I bet you’re not so sure how to change your ring tone to that Sting song you love so much. Welcome to 2011, an age where technology powers the planet and consequently, so will your tech-savvy youngsters. Introducing the A.D.T. (Ask Design Tell) team for Decatur City schools, a collaborative group of Austin High and Decatur High students on a mission to reveal the incredible and underrated areas of our school
system through media communications.
                Eager to pioneer a mysterious newborn class, we sifted through hidden academic gems that deserved to be beamed with some social media spotlight. Our first project was designated to the S.T.E.M. program upheld by Decatur City Schools. S.T.E.M., abbreviated for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, is the powerhouse to all the extraordinary offerings to these related subjects.  Our partnership with the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology is a powerful example. This non-profit institute located in Huntsville, AL has many exciting opportunities provided to students. One in particular is a computer program they will be launching in Decatur High School that practices interactive genome research on a group of fictional astronauts preparing to go into orbit. This not only enriches computer and genomic knowledge, but also triggers interest into a rapidly growing and highly demanding field of computer science know as Bioinformatics.
                While some Decatur City students decode an astronauts’ DNA and it’s predictability in space, others are wading in our local creeks to seine for the largely diverse variety of fish that dart through its waters. In the Environmental Field Studies course offered to Decatur and Austin High students, they experience hands on activities in Wetland’s Edge’s very own backyard. Wetlands Edge is an educational center created by BP located among two miles of trails that harbor many diverse ecosystems. It not only serves as a home base for the Environmental Field Studies class but also as an educational field trip destination for elementary students. Personally as a seasoned field-trip-goer, nothing beats getting up close and personal with a monster python.
                Bringing robotics skills to life, utilizing cell phones in middle schools for educational purposes and even putting apple Itouch’s in the hands of our second graders. These are the many opportunistic leaves flourishing on our S.T.E.M. program. Who knows how far an influential class experience can induce your child’s goals for their future.