Monday, November 26, 2012

Parade With A Purpose

     Decatur High School's Homecoming Parade wasn't just any ole parade. It was a "Parade With A Purpose!" This year the parade was in honor of Ethan LyBrand, who has been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy. Our student marketing team had the honor of interviewing Ethan's parents, Josh and Jordan LyBrand. We put together a set of questions and these were their answers:
Q.   When was Ethan first diagnosed with MD and what started the process of testing to see what was wrong?

 A.   Ethan was first diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy on June 8, 2011.  We had done several tests to see why Ethan was not gaining weight, literally only gained one pound in a year.  We had an upper scope, CF, and allergy test which all came back normal.  Our previous doctor decided that he was just small (like his father) and it was nothing to worry about.  My mom and I took Ethan and Chloe to the park one day where we met up with one of his day care friends.  It was really at that point that I knew something wasn't right.  I was literally chasing him around making sure he was not going to fall when his friend, who is three months younger, was running and jumping over everything when Ethan couldn't even climb over the park barrier independently.  I immediately changed doctors when I heard that Dr. Khouri was accepting new patients again.  He immediately started running tests on Ethan.  His blood work came back and showed elevated liver enzymes.  He decided to send us to a gastroenterologist who ran some tests to see why the liver enzymes were elevated and explained to us that this could be coming from a liver problem or a muscle problem.  Two days later he called us back and said that Ethan had some form of Muscular Dystrophy and they knew this because of the very high CK levels and that further testing would tell which type he had.  We were sent to a neurologist at Children’s and this is when he was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

Q.   What changes has this brought to your family?

A.   Thus far, the only change that this has brought to our family is the thought about what the future may hold for us.  Right now he is a perfectly happy and healthy three year old little boy.  He has been in physical therapy and occupational therapy since July 2011.  Literally the only change right now is the anticipation of what statistics show his life will be like.  Today we live life to the fullest and make sure we give him every opportunity to do the things he is able to do and try not to think about what he may not be able to do one day.

Q.   How has the community supported you through this?

A.   The community has been amazing through all of this.  We have held the Ethan LyBrand March to benefit the MDA for two years now and both years we have had overwhelming turnout and support and have cleared over $10,000 each year.  Josh and I are so thankful for the love and support of the community, friends, schools, and family, we would not be able to get through this without everyone.

Q.   How did Ethan feel about being the Grand Marshal in the "Parade With A Purpose?"

A.   Ethan was so excited about being the Grand Marshal of the parade.  Although he probably does not realize why he was the Grand Marshal he still thought it was the coolest thing ever to wear his tux and ride in the car!  We have not literally sat him down and tried to explain to him that he has Muscular Dystrophy.

Q.   What were your thoughts about being a huge part in the "Parade With A Purpose?"

A.   When Mrs. Stutts approached me in the hallway and told me a little bit about what they were thinking about doing, it literally took all I had not to just burst into tears.  It meant so much to us and is an amazing event in his life that we will never forget.  I am so happy for DHS to be supporting so many causes and especially making the homecoming parade a “Parade With A Purpose."  Our niece, Ava Campbell, who has leukemia, was also in the parade as the “Pop Tab Princess” because DHS is trying to raise one million pop tabs to donate to the Ronald McDonald house in her name.  I think it is amazing how the students rally together and support different causes and it teaches them really amazing things!

Q.   Do you have any idea how much money the students raised for this purpose?

A.   The students raised $1,000!!!!!!