Thursday, April 25, 2013

The 8th Grade Raft Race!

     The 8th Grade Raft Race begins at 8:00 AM on Friday, April 26th, 2013, at Wilson Morgan Park.    Students must remember to bring their raft race scrapbook to the park for judges' review, along with a life jacket for each student riding on the team's raft, and 2 paddles.  Additionally, a tow rope should be attached to the front of each raft for use by the Morgan County Rescue Squad in towing the raft, if needed.  Thanks to GE for providing the judges for this event; thanks to the Morgan County Rescue Squad for insuring students' safety and for directing the race; and thanks to Parks and Rec for allowing us to use the park.  Thanks also to the many parents who have supported this fun, extracurricular learning opportunity for their children!   Dr. Gillespie and Ms. Winton will be supervising the raft race.  Parents are invited to bring a chair and join Mr. McIntyre on the shoreline as he cheers on the race participants. Students may bring snacks and a canned drink, plus a chair or towel to sit on as they observe other rafts traveling around the race course.