Thursday, March 21, 2013

Congratulations to the Oak Park JUNA team!

Congratulations to the Oak Park JUNA team!  At the recent Junior United Nations Assembly held at Birmingham Southern College on January 31-February, 1, Oak Park students collected a lot of prestigious awards!  Madelyn Hoffman won the Erin McPherson Outstanding Leadership award.  Cayla Riehl and Madelyn Hoffman each received a trophy for Outstanding Girl Delegate (two winners from one school has never been achieved before at JUNA!), Beau Claborne and Stuart Thornton won a blue ribbon for outstanding display, Sanders White won $50.00 for a mini-grant proposal that will help a child in Ghana to have a save haven and an education. Sixth-graders Kira Williams and Raegan McNeil contributed research articles to support the team's written resolution which received an Honorable Mention Award.  Finally, Sadie Casteel did an excellent job as the team photographer!  Thanks to all the parents, teachers, and administrators who made this fabulous learning experience possible!  Great job Dr. Robin Gillespie and JUNA team.

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