Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cedar Ridge Middle School's 2015 Teacher of the Year - Mrs. Tammy Pickens

Mrs. Tammy Pickens was ecstatic when she heard the news she had been named the 2015 Teacher of the Year for Cedar Ridge Middle School. Mrs. Pickens teachers sixth grade science. She has been teaching for 23 years between Jefferson County, Decatur City Schools, a short break with AMSTI, and finally “back home” (as she said) with Decatur City Schools. Mrs. Pickens has been teaching since her childhood - being the oldest of four children. She would come home from school and teach her younger brother what she had learned in school that day. all the time! Mrs. Pickens majored in elementary education and originally did not want to teach sixth grade. Of course, the first job she got teaching was sixth grade and she has loved it ever since! Throughout her teaching career Pickens has taught third through sixth grade and has enjoyed each level for various different reasons. The teacher who Mrs. Pickens got her inspiration from was her kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Holland. Mrs. Holland was always kind and caring to her students and eventually later became Mrs. Pickens Sunday School teacher. When asked about a different career, Mrs. Pickens knew it would have to involve problem solving. Her other two choices were becoming a mystery writer or an investigator! Decatur City Schools would again like to congratulate Mrs. Pickens on this honor.

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